Internet Security

Internet Security – Attack and Defense
In the press and in popular movies we hear and see that hackers break into critical systems, get access to classified information and trace your network activities with just a few clicks of a button. But are such scenarios real? How do attacks look like, how can we protect against such attacks and how can we securely exchange data over the Internet?
Internet Security – Web
Web applications are most likely the most pervasive systems and the one closer to our daily Internet experience. They are also a very likely target for attackers, and a likely entry point to compromise a system or network. In this course you will gain practical experience about web security and you will have the possiblity to try first hand how to gain access to a system.
This course is intended for students with a solid understanding of networking who want to learn about network attacks, how those attacks can be measured and what can be done in terms of mitigation and defense. To follow this course, some basic programming skills (C, Java, …) are required. In addition, you should be able to use Linux systems and set-up and maintain Virtual Machines (VirtualBox, Vagrant, Ubuntu).


In deze cursus wordt samengewerkt met de Universiteit Twente. Men neemt deel aan hun gelijknamige cursus, die via een MOOC wordt aangeboden. Afsluiting gebeurt door middel van het maken van opdrachten, er is geen toets/tentamen. De sessies in Utrecht zijn ingepland als (samen)werksessies, mogelijk met begeleiding.
Om deze reden is de cursus ook verzet naar blok 3. Mensen die graag eerder deze cursus willen doen, zouden dat in blok1 kunnen doen. Vanwege deze vorm wordt het cursusgeld mogelijk verlaagd.

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